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Press Releases

Amitabh Bachchan NFTs

forays into world of NFTs to generate funds for less fortunate kids

Cadbury Gems

forays into world of NFTs to generate funds for less fortunate kids

Pepsi Black

forays into world of NFTs to generate funds for less fortunate kids

Flipkart Sponsorship

forays into world of NFTs to generate funds for less fortunate kids

Tweet Tiles

forays into world of NFTs to generate funds for less fortunate kids

SoulBound Tokens

forays into world of NFTs to generate funds for less fortunate kids

Signature Shot NFTs

forays into world of NFTs to generate funds for less fortunate kids

Zero Royalty Fees

forays into world of NFTs to generate funds for less fortunate kids


forays into world of NFTs to generate funds for less fortunate kids

Kirthiga Reddy

forays into world of NFTs to generate funds for less fortunate kids

Guardianlink About

GuardianLink is a 360° digital collectible technology enablement company that powered the launch of the digital collectibles of Amitabh Bachchan and Stan Lee's Chakra. With its roots embedded in the blockchain world since 2016, GuardianLink has been at the forefront of technological innovation with offerings like Anti.Rip AI Spyder and Wallet.Cipher technologies as well as one of the first frameworks of Legitimacy protocol for the NFT ecosystem. With global brands like Flipkart, Cadbury, Pepsi Black, LA Times, and many more, we have a proven track record of scalability, accessibility, and extensibility.

Our NFT marketplace,, is the largest in Asia, and was one of the top 4 marketplaces in the world to be selected for Twitter's Tweet Tiles pilot. It has also had the distinction of having launched Meta Cricket League, the world's first P2E NFT Cricket game. is also expanding its horizons into developing the upcoming RADDX Racing Metaverse. The game is expected to have high-octane races, cop chases, and tournaments. RADDX has also introduced Metaverse advertising through its Digital Lands, giving brands a novel avenue to augment their marketing strategies. With the Metaverse poised to be a hangout for the GenZ audience, brands are likely to benefit from the marketing opportunities these Digital Lands open.

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